Science in Daily Life

Science makes everyday life easier than it ever has been. The most powerful example is the importance of electricity; the scientific discovery of a method for harnessing electric energy changed people's lives forever. Electric light benefits people every day in inventions such as traffic lights, refrigerators and communication devices.
Science is the reason for the quick pace of modern life. A journey that took weeks on foot or horseback was shortened to a few days' travel by the use of steam-powered locomotives followed by personal automobiles. Finally, travel by airplane allowed people to make the same journey in just minutes. Science makes life safer as well; antibiotics and vaccines protect people from diseases that were once feared as deadly, such as measles or syphilis.
My infant daughter had shoved the egg-shaped cover that covers the nipple into the bottle when the nipple was not screwed on. I couldn't get it back out--it was too smooth and kept slipping out of my fingers. It was rigid plastic and the base of the cover was wider than the mouth of the bottle. It had been easier for her to shove in upside down, but when I had it right side up, which was the only way I could get any of it above the opening, I of course then couldn't get my finger in there to push up from the inside.
So what I did was remember that water boils into steam, and in a fixed volume, increasing a gas's temperature increases the pressure. So I poured some water into the bottle and pulled up on the egg shaped cover until it wedged enough to stay put, blocking the opening. Then I put it into the microwave for two minutes. Before 45 seconds had passed, POP! lid out.
Is logic a Science ?
Of course.
It has rules and implications. It defines the domains that can be considered "true" and "false" and makes it possible to distinguish one from another.
It can be taught to anyone who is curious and has patience.
Its results are widely acknowledged as useful. In many domains.
It has rules and implications. It defines the domains that can be considered "true" and "false" and makes it possible to distinguish one from another.
It can be taught to anyone who is curious and has patience.
Its results are widely acknowledged as useful. In many domains.
It is a discipline. A strict one, not an art then. Sounds scientifically fundamental enough to me!
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